Saturday, May 9, 2020

Children's Book Week: Graphic Novel: Owly Vol. 1 by Andy Runton

Children's Book Week

Read for: Borrowed Books/Graphic Novel/ Children's Book Week

Synopsis: "Owly is a kind, yet lonely, little owl who's always on the lookout for new friends and adventure. The first graphic novel in the series contains two enchanting novellas, "The Way Home" & "The Bittersweet Summer," wherein Owly discovers the meaning of friendship, and that saying goodbye doesn't always mean forever."

My Review: I have been wanting to read Owly for quite some time and finally found it on my library's overdrive. This is super cute, a wordless graphic novel that all ages can enjoy. Owly is so sweet and just wants a friend and finds one in the most unusual way. I like the illustrations style though I would have enjoyed a hint of color here or there. There are two stories in this one, but clearly happen in a timeline, both revolve around friendships, a great theme for younger readers. This is definitely one that can be enjoyed by everyone.

My Rating: I am glad I finally found these and was able to read them. They are great for readers of all ages but would really appeal to younger readers and possibly reluctant readers. It will spark imagination without having to read a bunch of text.  I give this one a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag and look forward to reading more in this series.

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