Synopsis: "In the Winter of 1152, the Guard face a food and supply shortage threatening the lives of many through a cold and icy season. Saxon, Kenzie, Lieam, and Sadie, led by Celanawe, traverse the snow-blanketed territories acting as diplomats to improve relations between the mouse cities and the Guard. This is a winter not every Guard may survive. Collects the second Eisner-Award winning Mouse Guard series with an all-new epilogue and bonus content."
My Review: I love this series! It is an epic tale along the lines of Dinotopia. The artwork is fantastic and the story is really kept true to the characters and setting. I love the bits of backstory and foreshadowing used throughout this volume, each one I read I learn more about the Mouse Guard and the mouse civilization. The wonderful part about these is that they can be enjoyed by all ages from even middle grade readers all the way through life. I will definitely be getting my hands on more as soon as I can!
My Review: I love this series! It is an epic tale along the lines of Dinotopia. The artwork is fantastic and the story is really kept true to the characters and setting. I love the bits of backstory and foreshadowing used throughout this volume, each one I read I learn more about the Mouse Guard and the mouse civilization. The wonderful part about these is that they can be enjoyed by all ages from even middle grade readers all the way through life. I will definitely be getting my hands on more as soon as I can!
My Rating: I truly love everything about this series and volume. If you are looking for a graphic novel to start with or maybe something a little out of the ordinary/ non-super hero go try to find this at your store or library! I give it a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!