Synopsis: "Like the parent Beginner Books, Bright & Early Books feature the same affordable hardcover format, imaginative stories, and colorful pictures. Geared for a younger audience, these books use simple words, repetition, and pictures that act as clues to the text. Contributors include Dr. Seuss ("Mr. Brown Can Moo!" "Can You?," "There's a Wocket in My Pocket!," "The Foot Book"), Stan and Jan Berenstain ("Inside, Outside, Upside Down; Bears on Wheels"), Al Perkins ("Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb") and Michael Frith ("I'll Teach My Dog 100 Words"). Preschool - Grade 1"
My Review: Another great book to read as Munchkin is learning his body parts. The Nose Book is great and it makes him giggle as I point out his nose, my nose, the dog and cat's noses as we read. I like how it also gives you things you couldn't do without a nose so he can learn exactly what his nose does for him.
My Review: Another great book to read as Munchkin is learning his body parts. The Nose Book is great and it makes him giggle as I point out his nose, my nose, the dog and cat's noses as we read. I like how it also gives you things you couldn't do without a nose so he can learn exactly what his nose does for him.
My Rating: We both enjoyed this book and I think it will be a common re-read for Munchkin. We give it a rating of Four Paws.
Good Night, Sweet Dreams!