Synopsis: Mr. G is taking a plane ride over the City of Newport, Rhode Island. The view from above allows a view of many of the beautiful sites in this small island city.
My Rating: This is a fun and simple book for young kids either visiting or even living in the area. It gives a nice over view of the city as well as pointing out important sites in the area to visit.
My Rating: This is a great little book for young tourists, simple yet beautiful art and simple sentences and small size make it great for them to put in their backpacks or take to a show and tell after a vacation. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.
This book is illustrated by Richard Grosvenor, a local artist, you can find out more about him on his Website or Facebook.
Munchkin actually received this book as part of a set, for Christmas. I have been unable to locate them available on the internet. As far as I know they may only be available in local tourist type shops or possibly the art galleries that display Mr. Grosvenor's work.