This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is all about those books that give us hangovers, make it hard to move forward to another book and new characters. I usually manage to avoid book hangovers by binge reading series and by reading multiple books at once, but it is still inevitable that as a reader, I will get a book hangover occasionally. Here are the most recent books that I recall giving me book hangovers. . . .
Okay so this is a weird one to see pop out while I was looking back, but even though this was a pretty short book, and one outside my normal reading comfort zone, I could not stop thinking about this book! Even now, months after reading it, I still think about it. It was such a bizarre book, it really toes that line of is it fact or fiction so well and makes you really wonder if there was this crazy doctor out there during that time period. I have only seen one other friend even pick it up and I so want more people to talk to about this one!
Even Children's books can give you a hang over. This book hit me and Munchkin at just the right time and it really made us pause to think about it. I can't tell you how many times we re-read this book, or how long Munchkin carried it around in his backpack just to have it with him (I probably would have too if we had a second copy).
This is book 5 in the Queen's Thief series, last year I spent an entire month in this world and with these characters catching up with the series in anticipation of the 6th and final book to come out. Only after I had finished this one did I find out that the final book was pushed back almost a year and a half! Now my beloved characters are just left hanging, waiting for a conclusion and I am dying!
This book! If you have been around here at all you will know Frankenstein is my all time favorite book and I tend to torture myself reading all these inspired by and re-telling books but they never hold up to the original, until this book! It was so heart breaking that it is a standalone and I will probably never get as close to the original perfection as this book. I could only read it for the first time once!
And for the second time in as many months Kiersten White killed me! This was the third and final book in the And I Darken series. I was listening to the end of this audio book on my way to an event to meet White and she killed me! The end of this series was brutal and heart breaking and so beautiful! Just thinking about it makes me NEED to re-read this series!
If you are looking for a book that will completely devastate you, leave you curled up under a blanket drowning in your own tears, unable to pick up another book, read this one. I promise it is totally worth the pain! It has been over a year and a half since I read this book and I really want to read it but I know I am not ready for that kind of pain and heartache again so soon.
Oh man, this book, it was tedious and long and beautiful and bittersweet! This was one of my favorite books of 2018 but it broke my heart with how beautiful it is. I haven't been able to bring myself to finish this series because of how this first book touched me.
Okay so here is an example of a not so good book hangover. I loved this series (well mostly, A Court of Wings and Ruin was a bit of a disappointment), but this book was such a let down. It was a chance to get to revisit favorite characters without the threat of death for a change, but I was left with a completely bleh feeling. It also landed in the middle of a string of eh books so it really made me start to question whether my taste in books was drastically changing or if I had just over read so much that I ran out of love for reading. Let me tell you, that was the worst kind of book hangover.

When I first read this book 2 years ago, there was no news or date for the 2nd book, which when I picked it up I didn't realize it was the first book in a series. So by the end of it I was insanely attached to the story and the characters, then it leaves off at a pretty big cliffhanger. I was frantic! I couldn't find anything that could compare, for months I tried recommendations from the library and the bookstore but nothing quite pulled me in the way this book did. Thankfully, I finally got to re-read it just last month and immediately jump into the second book, but now comes the painful wait for the 3rd and final book!
Finally, the 10th most recent book hangover came from A Man Called Ove, this book had me right from the beginning and I couldn't stop reading, even though I kind of guessed where it would end up. I loved this so much and was so glad I got to read it. It was again one of my favorite books I read that year and so worth the hangover!
Isn't it funny how the books that gave us hangovers, so often end up being favorite books?! Have you read any of these, did they give you hangovers as well? What was your most recent book hangover?