Synopsis: "Rhody the Ram is determined to show his friends from mascot school that Rhode Island is the best destination. He takes them on a journey across the state showing them what makes his beloved home so special. Will Rhody convince his mascot friends that sometimes the
smallest things can be the very best?"
My Review: Of course I had to pick this book up since it is a local book! The illustrations are very cute and I love the fact that it featured URI's mascot. I thought it would be more focused on the school and it did at the beginning but then it ventured out into more statewide attractions. While it is great that is shows different things around the state, I have seen that before and I would have liked it more focused on the school and different adventures there. I think this would be cute to send home to a younger sibling if you were going to school at URI.
smallest things can be the very best?"
My Review: Of course I had to pick this book up since it is a local book! The illustrations are very cute and I love the fact that it featured URI's mascot. I thought it would be more focused on the school and it did at the beginning but then it ventured out into more statewide attractions. While it is great that is shows different things around the state, I have seen that before and I would have liked it more focused on the school and different adventures there. I think this would be cute to send home to a younger sibling if you were going to school at URI.
My Rating: While I would have liked to have had more on URI itself in this book, it was still a fun book about the school and the state around it. I give this one a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.
You can find out more about Kerri and her work on her Website. She does have another book coming out soon for the Rhode Island College Friars too.
You can also purchase your own copy of this book in print format from Amazon, Mascot Books or Barnes & Noble.