Synopsis: "When Bo spots what he thinks is a "rip-roarin', rootin'-tootin', shiny red armadillo," he knows what he has to do. Follow that armadillo! Bo leaves his mother and three brothers behind and takes off for a two-stepping, bronco-bucking adventure. Jan Brett turns her considerable talents toward the Texas countryside in this amusing story of an armadillo on his own."
My Review: I really enjoyed this book (might be my love for the armadillo speaking). The images were bright and the story was very cute. I liked how Brett used actual facts about the armadillo in the story (ie. poor eyesight). It was also great how not only do you get to read Bo's adventure but in the borders of each page you can see his mother's story as she tries to find Bo. A very cute and unique story for little ones. I would suggest a pre-school to kindergarten age for this book though, its a little long for really young ones like Munchkin.
My Review: I really enjoyed this book (might be my love for the armadillo speaking). The images were bright and the story was very cute. I liked how Brett used actual facts about the armadillo in the story (ie. poor eyesight). It was also great how not only do you get to read Bo's adventure but in the borders of each page you can see his mother's story as she tries to find Bo. A very cute and unique story for little ones. I would suggest a pre-school to kindergarten age for this book though, its a little long for really young ones like Munchkin.
My Rating: I adored this book, while it was a little advanced for Munchkin we did manage to read it over a few nights. I hope he will really like it as he gets older. I give this one a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.
Good Night! Sweet Dreams!