I usually try to schedule blog posts in advance to keep up with the nearly daily posts and the amount of books I read and review. With the busy season upon us, a month of novel writing and then Christmas season with my Advent Reads event, it is even harder to keep up with the posts. So I decided to sign up for the Blog Ahead Challenge hosted by Anna at Herding Cats and Burning Soup.

The goal is to schedule 30 posts on your blog (in addition to what you already have scheduled) by the end of the month. If you want to join just head on over to the signup page!
I will keep track of all of my progress here (I will try to update at least once a week if not more often). I will be starting on October 1st and finish on November 1st. I currently have 0 posts scheduled (I know, so far behind) and by the end of the month I will need to have 30 posts scheduled. Boy this is going to be quite the challenge, I will basically have to be writing up at least 2 posts a day (but of course I have a vacation coming up and will be gone for nearly 10 days so I will have to get even more scheduled). It is time to get this done, get myself caught up and ahead, ready for this busy season!
Midway-ish Update (October 20, 2015):
Starting Scheduled Posts: 0Posts that went Live: 0
Posts Scheduled: 33
Current Scheduled Posts: 33
Goal for next update: schedule 10 more posts by the end of the month
Thoughts: Gosh what an insane month this has been, I have spent more time away from the computer than at it. I have scheduled far more than 33 posts so far this month but they have all gone live while I was away. Now I am going to be away for most of the rest of the month. Of those 33 posts currently schedule only 24 will count towards the final number, the rest are scheduled in October. I do have at least 5 more that I can post today and tomorrow. Let's cross our fingers that I can squeeze out those final posts before the end of the month!
Midway-ish Update (October 20, 2015):
Starting Scheduled Posts: 0Posts that went Live: 0
Posts Scheduled: 33
Current Scheduled Posts: 33
Goal for next update: schedule 10 more posts by the end of the month
Thoughts: Gosh what an insane month this has been, I have spent more time away from the computer than at it. I have scheduled far more than 33 posts so far this month but they have all gone live while I was away. Now I am going to be away for most of the rest of the month. Of those 33 posts currently schedule only 24 will count towards the final number, the rest are scheduled in October. I do have at least 5 more that I can post today and tomorrow. Let's cross our fingers that I can squeeze out those final posts before the end of the month!