I usually spread out how often I participate in Top Ten Tuesday but I couldn't resist this week's topic of books on my Spring TBR! I honestly can't even believe it is spring already, I still have winter books I planned on reading. Oh well, time to start looking ahead, the good thing is that the days are getting longer and warmer. So here are some of the books I plan to read this spring . . .
The Dating Plan has been on my TBR shelf since January, but it really struck me as a spring book, so now it is time to pick it up!
I have been dying for
Namesake since I finished Fable and my copy just arrived. I may just have to drop everything to pick it up!
I have been highly anticipating
Heart on a Leash since I discovered it in the fall, and now it is almost here!!!
The Shadow of the Gods is one of my most anticipated books of this year and I just found out I won a giveaway for an early ebook copy, so there will be no delay in picking this one up!
Death Bee Comes Her has been sitting on my TBR shelf since release day but it definitely gives more spring/summer vibes so I am looking forward to picking it up on a nice sunny spring day!
A Curse for Spring is by one of my favorite fantasy romance authors and has been sitting on my kindle waiting to be read for well over a year now. I better pick it up now because Spring is in the title!
I have been able to avoid spoilers for
A Court of Silver Flames so far but it is getting harder and harder when scrolling social media, so I guess I better pick it up soon.
Booked for Death is the first book in a new to me series, and the second book comes out early summer, so I figured I better get on this one. Plus it is giving me warm weather vibes that will be a nice transition from spring to summer.
Speaking of books that give me a spring to summer transition vibe,
Simmer Down is also in that category. I just recently picked this book up in a birthday book shopping spree and I am looking forward to picking it up!
So there are some of the top books in my Spring TBR, I am really loving the variety and the lighter feel to most of them. I think this will be a great selection of books to get me geared up for the summer reading days!
What books are you planning on picking up in the spring? Do you have a certain genre or trope you lean more towards in the warmer weather?