Synopsis: "WE3 tells the unforgettable story of three innocent pets -- a dog, a cat and a rabbit -- who have been converted into deadly cyborgs by a sinister military weapons program. With nervous systems amplified to match their terrifying mechanical exoskeletons, the members of Animal Weapon 3 have the firepower of a battalion between them. But they are just the programs prototypes and, now that their testing is complete, they're slated to be permanently decommissioned" until they seize their one chance to make a desperate run for freedom! Relentlessly pursued by their makers, the WE3 team must navigate a frightening and confusing world where their instincts and heightened abilities make them as much a threat as those hunting them, but a world, nonetheless, in which there is something called Home. Action-packed and heart-wrenching, WE3 is a new high mark from two of comics greatest talents."
My Review: Graphic Novels usually aren't my thing but this one was suggested by a good friend of mine (who also got me into the Song of Fire & Ice books). I was very pleasantly surprised, WE3 was not only touching but also made you think. I loved the connection between the animals. Grant Morrison also did a great job of highlighting the dark side of some people but also a little bit of the good. It is amazing how much was crammed into just a short graphic novel. I think The Onion stated it best "Creepily Touching" because that it was, very touching but creepy. I will say though that it is definitely not meant for a younger audience, I was kind of surprised at the graphic nature of some of the images.
My Review: Graphic Novels usually aren't my thing but this one was suggested by a good friend of mine (who also got me into the Song of Fire & Ice books). I was very pleasantly surprised, WE3 was not only touching but also made you think. I loved the connection between the animals. Grant Morrison also did a great job of highlighting the dark side of some people but also a little bit of the good. It is amazing how much was crammed into just a short graphic novel. I think The Onion stated it best "Creepily Touching" because that it was, very touching but creepy. I will say though that it is definitely not meant for a younger audience, I was kind of surprised at the graphic nature of some of the images.
My Rating: I really enjoyed reading this one, which kind of surprised me and may even convince me to add a graphic novel review at least once a month! It had a great story line, was delivered well, and did a great job of getting me invested in such a short time. I give it a rating of Four Paws!