Synopsis: "Korgi is a gorgeously illustrated woodland fantasy about a young girl. Ivy, her Korgi cub, Sprout, and their amazing adventures in Korgi Hollow.
In this first volume in the series, Ivy and Sprout discover some interesting things about themselves as they stray from their village and face danger for the first time. Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, Jeff Smith's Bone, or Andy Runton's Owly, Korgi is a charming all-ages epic that is sure to capture your heart."
My Review: An interesting graphic novel that I came across randomly and thought to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised! It is a mostly wordless novel and the simple black and white illustrations tell the story beautifully with only a brief introduction to the setting and characters. It is appropriate for all ages and would be especially loved by dog owners. I think I will be on the look out for additional novels in this series now.
In this first volume in the series, Ivy and Sprout discover some interesting things about themselves as they stray from their village and face danger for the first time. Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, Jeff Smith's Bone, or Andy Runton's Owly, Korgi is a charming all-ages epic that is sure to capture your heart."
My Review: An interesting graphic novel that I came across randomly and thought to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised! It is a mostly wordless novel and the simple black and white illustrations tell the story beautifully with only a brief introduction to the setting and characters. It is appropriate for all ages and would be especially loved by dog owners. I think I will be on the look out for additional novels in this series now.
My Rating: I found this one refreshing after reading a lot of graphic novels with pages of text. This one was the complete opposite, but even without the dialog or text on the page, you didn't feel lost. I give it a rating of Four Paws.