Synopsis: "Shining memories sparkle brightly in every heart, lighting Christmas with beams of peace and joy. Recall the simple pleasures of beig home with whose you love, singing carols and sharing gifts by a cozy, crackling fireplace. Come back to Christmas and all that is sweet to remember."
My Review: This was a lovely little book, it was advertised as a graphic novel, but it is really more like a picture book for adults. It was a combination of little memories and favorite holiday sayings and verses of songs with beautiful paintings to match. You could read it all at once or enjoy just a page at a time.
My Review: This was a lovely little book, it was advertised as a graphic novel, but it is really more like a picture book for adults. It was a combination of little memories and favorite holiday sayings and verses of songs with beautiful paintings to match. You could read it all at once or enjoy just a page at a time.
My Rating: This was a beautiful book but at times the fancy fonts were difficult to read, and it really didn't strike me as a graphic novel. It still had some beautiful holiday sentiments. I give it a rating of Three Paws.