Synopsis: "With simple text and sturdy board pages, these two new titles in the Disney Bunnies line are ideally sized for toddlers' little hands and even Easter baskets. In these stories, Thumper is not quite ready to go to bed, and he learns to count to ten. Full color."
My Review: This is a cute Disney version of the classic goodnight book. Thumper gets to say good night to the forest animals. My one question is where is Bambi and Flower? I am sure that once Munchkin is able to understand the movie and book he will be wondering the same thing. That said, the illustrations are cute and the story is short, simple and sweet.
My Review: This is a cute Disney version of the classic goodnight book. Thumper gets to say good night to the forest animals. My one question is where is Bambi and Flower? I am sure that once Munchkin is able to understand the movie and book he will be wondering the same thing. That said, the illustrations are cute and the story is short, simple and sweet.
My Rating: This is a cute book but missing some of my favorite Bambi characters. It was still short, cute and Munchkin still enjoyed the story. I give it a rating of Three Paws.
Good Night! Sweet Dreams!