So while browsing the blogs I follow (mind you I am crazy behind on checking everyone's blogs out) I cam across this challenge hosted at Good Books and Good Wine and it sounded kind of fun.
Day 12 Post
How do you fight blogger fatigue?
I keep things interesting. I blog about books, so as long as I keep reading I still have something to write about. So I read a variety of genres so I don't get burned out. I love that I am able to have my bedtime stories every week, and a graphic novel every month, along with a variety of young adult, fantasy and after dark romances. I also have my Monday Reading list posts to keep track of myself and to keep all of you updated as to what is going on around here. The Wednesday Writing also keeps my writing at the front of my mind. I also try to schedule posts ahead whenever I can and spread out my reviews. Even though I may have read 4 books this week, I try to make sure I only post one review a day so I have reviews to cover the weeks I don't read as much.
So that is it I keep fatigue away by keeping a variety.