Synopsis: "In volume 5 of Olympians, author/artist George O'Connor turns the spotlight on that most mysterious and misunderstood of the Greek gods, Poseidon: Earth Shaker. Thrill to such famous stories as Theseus and the Minotaur, Odysseus and Polyphemos, and the founding of Athens—and learn how the tempestuous Poseidon became the King of the Seas."
My Review: This wasn't quite up to the par of the rest of the series so far, but O'Connor did admit that he had some difficulty with Poseidon. With that said it was still a very enjoyable graphic novel, I loved the depiction of Poseidon and the brief glimpses of roles he played throughout the myths. The artwork of course was fantastic. This one did start to bring several elements together though, you could really start to see how all the myths and gods/goddesses were woven together.
My Review: This wasn't quite up to the par of the rest of the series so far, but O'Connor did admit that he had some difficulty with Poseidon. With that said it was still a very enjoyable graphic novel, I loved the depiction of Poseidon and the brief glimpses of roles he played throughout the myths. The artwork of course was fantastic. This one did start to bring several elements together though, you could really start to see how all the myths and gods/goddesses were woven together.
My Rating: While I was left a little lost and confused at times, I am definitely more curious about Poseidon. I give this one a rating of Three Paws.