Synopsis: "The myth continues in the tenth year of the fabled Trojan War where two infamous gods of war go to battle. The spotlight is thrown on Ares, god of war, and primarily focuses on his battle with the clever and powerful Athena. As the battle culminates and the gods try to one-up each other to win, the human death toll mounts. Who will win this epic clash of power? And how many will have to die first?"
My Review: This wasn't so much Ares' book. I do however love how the O'Connor depicted the god and goddess interventions in the Trojan War. As with all the other books in this series, the art work is fantastic and the storyline was intriguing as well as the take on the traditional myths.
My Review: This wasn't so much Ares' book. I do however love how the O'Connor depicted the god and goddess interventions in the Trojan War. As with all the other books in this series, the art work is fantastic and the storyline was intriguing as well as the take on the traditional myths.
My Rating: This one didn't capture me as much as the others in the series did but I did find the storyline of the Trojan War to be an interesting take. I give it a rating of Three Paws.