Read for: Graphic Novel Challenge
Synopsis: "Collecting issues #34-41 of writer Bill Willingham's Eisner Award-winning creation, Homelands follows Boy Blue on a mission of revenge as he uncovers the Adversary's true identity! Plus, the two-part story of Jack's adventures in Hollywood and the one-shot story of Mowgli's return to Fabletown."
My Review: I haven't been a fan of Jack, and probably won't ever be, so it was a little discouraging when I had to trudge through his little story at the beginning of this novel. I was relieved though that it wasn't all about him (as I am sure he would prefer it to be). I really enjoyed Boy Blue's adventures, he always seemed like such a minor background character and it was great to see this secret and powerful side to him. I hope we get to have more adventures with him. It was also interesting to see the other side of this story, the whole series so far we have been hearing about this mysterious Adversary and Empire and we now know a little more.
My Review: I haven't been a fan of Jack, and probably won't ever be, so it was a little discouraging when I had to trudge through his little story at the beginning of this novel. I was relieved though that it wasn't all about him (as I am sure he would prefer it to be). I really enjoyed Boy Blue's adventures, he always seemed like such a minor background character and it was great to see this secret and powerful side to him. I hope we get to have more adventures with him. It was also interesting to see the other side of this story, the whole series so far we have been hearing about this mysterious Adversary and Empire and we now know a little more.
My Rating: It was fun to get some more backstory on who everyone is so afraid of but again there was a lot of stuff to sludge through first. I do like this series but I am considering letting it fall by the wayside. I give it a rating of Three Paws.