Synopsis: "Alfred is a young tree at Carl's Christmas Tree Farm in beautiful Spruce Creek, North Carolina. As all trees do, Alfred starts out with big hopes about being picked each Christmas to be a wonderfully decorated tree for the family he 'inherits.' Time passes and Alfred becomes disappointed that he has not been picked yet. To comfort him, his friend, Mr. Phipps, urges him to be patient and that one day he will be welcomed into a warm, inviting home for the perfect family. Does Alfred get his wish? Will he become a welcome addition to a loving family?"
My Review: An adorable book to read your little ones during the holidays. I personally never got the joy of finding a Christmas tree since I am highly allergic but I can imagine the joy of finding the perfect tree. I would suggest reading this book to your kids maybe on your way to pick out your special tree. The story is very cute, it take Alfred a while to grow, and those are sad years when his other tree friends are chosen but eventually he finds the joy of the season. The drawings are very cute, I love the expression on the tree's faces! Personally the tree all decorated and sparkling is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season.
My Review: An adorable book to read your little ones during the holidays. I personally never got the joy of finding a Christmas tree since I am highly allergic but I can imagine the joy of finding the perfect tree. I would suggest reading this book to your kids maybe on your way to pick out your special tree. The story is very cute, it take Alfred a while to grow, and those are sad years when his other tree friends are chosen but eventually he finds the joy of the season. The drawings are very cute, I love the expression on the tree's faces! Personally the tree all decorated and sparkling is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season.
My Rating: I adored this little book and can't wait until Munchkin can enjoy it, even though we won't be going to find a tree. I give it a rating of Four Paws.
One Little Christmas Tree was sent to me by the author to read and review.
You can get a copy for the little child in your life at Barnes and Noble or on Amazon in either Paperback or Kindle ebook.
Good Night, Sweet Dreams!