Synopsis: "Sarah Zettel's In Camelot's Shadow is an enticing romantic fantasy set in Arthurian England that explores the legend of Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady. When Gawain, King Arthur's handsome and promiscuous nephew, saves a beautiful maiden from a sorcerer, will his love be able to overcome the forces of evil?
Risa of the Morelands was cursed even before she was born. While returning from King Arthur's coronation, her father made a deal with an evil necromancer named Euberacon to save his beloved dying wife. In return for his wife's health, the sorcerer asks for the life of the child growing inside her womb. Her father accepts the deal and thus dooms the unborn Risa to a life of unthinkable depravity.
Now a beautiful 19-year-old with red-gold hair, Risa confronts her father after another suitor is turned away. When he eventually tells her about his deal with the sorcerer, she runs away -- only to be caught by Euberacon. Gawain fatefully witnesses the assault, saves Risa, and falls in love with her. But when Euberacon turns Risa into a monstrosity, will Gawain's love be enough to defeat a sorcerer, a pagan god, and all the naysayers at Camelot?"
My Review: So it has been a few years since I read this book and I loved it all over again. I have always loved Gawain. The way that Risa is described makes me want to be her! She is so strong, brave and all around awesome!! I also enjoyed the multiple story lines through out the book, it helps to bring the whole series together. Of course you can't have a Arthurian legend without involving the awesome King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and Merlin. You also get a little retelling of the legend of Gawain and the Green Knight. There are a lot of legends interwoven into the story, Sarah Zettel does a fantastic job of making them all mesh into an enjoyable book.
My Rating: I really enjoyed this book, it was hard to put it down. The characters are great, and I liked how it wasn't your typical Arthurian Legend, it was a romance for one of the Knights of the Round Table, yet still Arthurian. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.
This was for the 2012 Arthurian Legends Challenge