Synopsis: "Bill Willingham's runaway hit series FABLES continues its success in this fourth trade paperback, collecting issues #19-21 and #23-27 (issue #22 will appear in a future collection) and featuring the rise of a new threat to Fabletown. Also included is the Prestige Format Special Fables: The Last Castle. When Little Red Riding Hood suddenly walks through the gate between this world and the lost Fable Homelands, she's welcomed as a miraculous survivor by nearly everyone - everyone except her old nemesis, Bigby Wolf, who smells spying and subversion more than survival. But will he be able to prove his case before disaster strikes? And how will it all affect Prince Charming's upstart campaign to become the new mayor of Fabletown?"
My Review: After accidentally deviating from the reading order of the Fables and branch off series, it was good to get back to the main story line. This was an action filled volume and it really made for a good page turning read. It also drew me back into the series after a couple of disappointing installments. I am definitely looking forward to the next one now.
My Review: After accidentally deviating from the reading order of the Fables and branch off series, it was good to get back to the main story line. This was an action filled volume and it really made for a good page turning read. It also drew me back into the series after a couple of disappointing installments. I am definitely looking forward to the next one now.
My Rating: I was about ready to give up on this series but this novel pulled me back in. I currently own two more volumes, if things keep up the way this one did I will stick with it. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.