Synopsis: "Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends.
Every autumn, all through high school, they’ve worked together at the best pumpkin patch in the whole wide world. (Not many people know that the best pumpkin patch in the whole wide world is in Omaha, Nebraska, but it definitely is.) They say good-bye every Halloween, and they’re reunited every September 1.
But this Halloween is different—Josiah and Deja are finally seniors, and this is their last season at the pumpkin patch. Their last shift together. Their last good-bye.
Josiah’s ready to spend the whole night feeling melancholy about it. Deja isn’t ready to let him. She’s got a plan: What if—instead of moping and the usual slinging lima beans down at the Succotash Hut—they went out with a bang? They could see all the sights! Taste all the snacks! And Josiah could finally talk to that cute girl he’s been mooning over for three years . . .
What if their last shift was an adventure?"
My Review: I have been seeing this book all over the internet and was lucky enough to find a copy at my local library. It was such a cute and perfect fall read. You get all of the classic pumpkin patch/ fall festival goodness in a single book and to go along with it a sweet story about growing up and moving on; friendships and relationships. It was a fun read with very likable characters and it was a perfect quick read during a busy fall week!
My Rating: I was hesitant to buy this one even though the artwork looked amazing because I have a rocky history with Rainbow Rowell stories, but this one was great. It was light and fun but still had a great story about friendship and changing points in ones life. I give it a rating of Four Paws!