Synopsis: "Volume 4 of the highly acclaimed Olympians series!
Hades: Lord of the Dead tells the story of the great God of the Underworld and one of the most famous of all Greek myths: Hades’ abduction of Persephone and her mother’s revenge. Be prepared to see a new side of Persephone in this dynamic adaptation of the story of the creation of the seasons. In Olympians, O’Connor draws from primary documents to reconstruct and retell classic Greek myths. But these stories aren’t sedate, scholarly works. They’re action-packed, fast-paced, high-drama adventures with monsters, romance, and not a few huge explosions. O’Connor’s vibrant, kinetic art brings ancient tales to undeniable life in a perfect fusion of super-hero aesthetics and ancient Greek mythology."
My Review: Confession first, Hades is my favorite so I was already partial to giving this a good review when I started. That said I was a little disappointed in the fact that it was such an abbreviated version of the myth of him and Persephone. I did however love the depiction and artwork. It was a slightly different take on the myth from what I have read before and that made it new and refreshing.
Hades: Lord of the Dead tells the story of the great God of the Underworld and one of the most famous of all Greek myths: Hades’ abduction of Persephone and her mother’s revenge. Be prepared to see a new side of Persephone in this dynamic adaptation of the story of the creation of the seasons. In Olympians, O’Connor draws from primary documents to reconstruct and retell classic Greek myths. But these stories aren’t sedate, scholarly works. They’re action-packed, fast-paced, high-drama adventures with monsters, romance, and not a few huge explosions. O’Connor’s vibrant, kinetic art brings ancient tales to undeniable life in a perfect fusion of super-hero aesthetics and ancient Greek mythology."
My Review: Confession first, Hades is my favorite so I was already partial to giving this a good review when I started. That said I was a little disappointed in the fact that it was such an abbreviated version of the myth of him and Persephone. I did however love the depiction and artwork. It was a slightly different take on the myth from what I have read before and that made it new and refreshing.
My Rating: I really wished this one had been longer but it was still very good. I give it a rating of Four Paws.