Synopsis: "Breena's entry into Feyland is marred by danger and beauty. A prisoner in her own palace, she longs to see and touch her forbidden prince Kian. Yet her heart is also still with her friend Logan. In a stunning turn of events, Breena suddenly finds herself faced with the most heartbreaking decision in her entire life."
My Review: Well I was really looking forward to this one, but I have to admit I am a little disappointed. I was hoping for more development in the main character Breena, but she continues to try to act mature but is really just a slightly annoying teen. The characters continue to find themselves in the same situations as before and the result is still the same. Also the spelling errors (which I can normally ignore) really started to bother me because they were everywhere I looked. I will continue to read the next book, mainly because I already have it and I am enjoying the subcharacters.
My Review: Well I was really looking forward to this one, but I have to admit I am a little disappointed. I was hoping for more development in the main character Breena, but she continues to try to act mature but is really just a slightly annoying teen. The characters continue to find themselves in the same situations as before and the result is still the same. Also the spelling errors (which I can normally ignore) really started to bother me because they were everywhere I looked. I will continue to read the next book, mainly because I already have it and I am enjoying the subcharacters.
My Rating: Unfortunately Forever Frost just didn't meet the level I was expecting so I give it a rating of Two Paws.
For the Mount TBR Challenge