Friday, November 25, 2016

Bedtime Story: There Was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Turkey by Lucille Colandro

Read for: Children's Book Challenge & Thanksgiving
Synopsis: "The old lady is at it again, and this time she's swallowing a Turkey . . . she's always been quirky!

You won't believe why this old lady swallowed
a turkey, a ball, a hat, a balloon, a boat, some wheels, and
a horn of plenty!

Read this book and find out why!"

My Review: Munchkin loves the Old Lady books and while they don't have quite the same rhythm as the original song they are still really fun for young readers. This is a great one for this Thanksgiving, the old lady swallows a lot of things that center around Thanksgiving traditions. Of course it is also lots of fun and silly to read, Munchkin loves the 'She has always been quirky' part and insists it is his line to say.
My Rating: Munchkin got a huge kick out of this book, we have already read it countless times, it made the trip to preschool for their feast day and to our own Thanksgiving celebration. We give it a rating of Four Paws!

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