Friday, January 9, 2015

Beginning Reader Review: Charlie's Snow Day by Ree Drummond

Synopsis: "Ree Drummond (also known as The Pioneer Woman) and Charlie the Ranch Dog return in this snow-filled I Can Read title.

When Charlie wakes up to a world covered in snow, he can't wait to go outside. He even takes a break from patrol duty to go sledding with his friends Walter and Sister. But when Walter goes missing, it's up to Charlie to take control of the situation and bring his buddy back.

Charlie the Ranch Dog stars in bestselling author Ree Drummond's I Can Read title, just right for reading on your own snowy day! Charlie's Snow Day is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences."

My Review: This is a pretty cute book, though I think you really need to read some of the other Charlie books first to get a feel for who all the characters are. I do like how Charlie gets excited but later discovers snow isn't all it is cracked up to be. So many kids books make every new thing out to be fun but not everyone has fun, so it is nice to show that it is okay if you try something new and discover you don't like it.
My Rating: The words and sentences in this book seemed a little more advanced than most of the other level 1 books I have read and you needed a little more back story to be familiar with it.  I give it a rating of Two Paws and a Stump Wag.

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