Synopsis: "In this charming volume, Buffalo Valley faces a new challenge. Everyone thinks Vaughn Kyle has come to town to meet Hassie Knight. After all, Vaughn was named after Hassie's dead son, and this is the first time he's come to town. What the folks in town don't know is that Vaughn's fiancée, Natalie Nichols, works for the Value-X conglomerate, and that Natalie has asked Vaughn to use this visit as a scouting trip to evaluate Buffalo Valley as a location for one of their superstores. If that store gets built, it will be goodbye Main Street, including Hassie Knight's drugstore.
Once Vaughn meets Hassie's assistant, Carrie Hendrickson, it doesn't take long for him to realize that he's facing one of the most important choices of his life. He's caught between Value-X and Buffalo Valley, between Natalie's corporate savvy and Carrie's country-girl smarts, and between the future he always envisioned for himself and the appealing way of life that he glimpsed in the unique little town."
My Review: You can definitely see how Macomber's writing has developed over the years with this series. I was kind of disliking this series and didn't really enjoy the first 3 books but this one made a comeback for me. It is shorter and less wordy without as many details but still enough to get a feel for the different characters. It really rounded out the series nicely, giving updates on past characters while developing the current story. I also liked the time between this story and the previous book, it allowed for a lot of development without having to read everything. I also enjoyed seeing the changes in the town and its development. I am really glad I read this one and avoided a sour taste being left after the last book.
Once Vaughn meets Hassie's assistant, Carrie Hendrickson, it doesn't take long for him to realize that he's facing one of the most important choices of his life. He's caught between Value-X and Buffalo Valley, between Natalie's corporate savvy and Carrie's country-girl smarts, and between the future he always envisioned for himself and the appealing way of life that he glimpsed in the unique little town."
My Review: You can definitely see how Macomber's writing has developed over the years with this series. I was kind of disliking this series and didn't really enjoy the first 3 books but this one made a comeback for me. It is shorter and less wordy without as many details but still enough to get a feel for the different characters. It really rounded out the series nicely, giving updates on past characters while developing the current story. I also liked the time between this story and the previous book, it allowed for a lot of development without having to read everything. I also enjoyed seeing the changes in the town and its development. I am really glad I read this one and avoided a sour taste being left after the last book.
My Rating: This was such an improvement over the previous books in the series, and clearly the time period between writing them was part of that. I give this one a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.
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