Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
Assassin Study by Maria V. Snyder
Hush Little Baby (Bedtime Story)

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Currently Reading:

October Night by Theresa Oles - Kindle - 15%
The Study Bundle by Maria V. Snyder - Nook - on page 408 of 1027

 Books to be Read Soon:
Blood in the Valley by JK Hogan (Requested Review)
Heat Wave by Richard Castle (Audio Challenge)
Justice by Jade Varden (Requested Review)
Soft Spots by Clint Van Winkle (Mental Illness Advocacy Challenge)


Well last week was an utter failure.  I barely got any reading done.  Early Monday morning I re-injured my back and was in so much pain I was ill until I could get to the doctor in the afternoon.  I was instructed to take heavy doses of pain meds and muscle relaxers and be on bed rest for 7-10 days.  Well with a baby that is nearly impossible but I spent the first two days in a drugged stupor before returning to work and baby care. By the end of each night though I couldn't wait until Munchkin was fully asleep so I could take my meds and crash for the night.  So all that made for a rough week.

Then Friday Valerie our black cat went missing.  She is an indoor only cat who likes to plot escape.  I didn't notice her when I got home from work but I had to rush out to run errands so didn't think much of it.  I got home later that evening and started getting Munchkin ready for bed and still hadn't seen her.  It was a little odd that she hadn't come to see me when I got home, so I searched the house for her.  She wasn't in any hiding spots or in the garage or basement.  Needless to say I was frantic. After checking with Hubby and confirming no one had seen her since about 1:00 in the afternoon I went into panic mode.  I called my Sister in law to come watch the Munchkin after I got him down so I could go walk the neighborhood.  I spent 4 hours walking our streets and the ones behind and around us with no sign of her.  I finally gave up and hoped she would come home in the morning for food.  As I was laying down in bed I heard her tiny meow, of course she had been hiding in my Hubby's pants drawer the whole time and hadn't called out!! Thank god she was ok but gosh it was a lot of pointless stress!!

Add to all of that Hubby went away for the weekend leaving me with a teething Munchkin!! UGH!! I am exhausted and got no reading done :(

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