Sunday, May 10, 2020

Children's Book Week: Mother's Day Bedtime Story: Love is by Diane Adams & Illustrated by Claire Keane

Children's Book Week

Read for: Children's Books

Synopsis: "Perfect for Valentine's Day—or any tender moment—this story of a girl and a duckling who share a touching year together will melt hearts old and young. In this tenderly funny book, girl and duckling grow in their understanding of what it is to care for each other, discovering that love is as much about letting go as it is about holding tight. Children and parents together will adore this fond exploration of growing up while learning about the joys of love offered and love returned."

My Review: This story was meant for Valentine's Day but I was struck more by the maternal love and felt it was much better suited for Mother's Day. We love our little ones and will do anything for them but know deep down at some point we will need to let them fall so they can learn to fly on their own, and this book perfectly embodies that love. The illustrations are beautifully done and the story reads so smoothly. It is a great soothing read for the end of the day when you are cuddled up together.

My Rating: I know I read this for Valentine's Day but it gave me all the mommy sentimental feelings and I think all you moms will really enjoy reading it with your little ones too.  I give it a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!

Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

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