Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday Reading List

It is Monday again, and time to update with what I read last week, what I am currently reading and what to look forward to next week.

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

 Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

A Court of Thorns & Roses
A Court of Mist & Fury
In Her Sights

Currently Reading:

Pages Read/ Time Listened
239:14 Hours Listened (25:57 listened this week)
11,118 Pages Read (626 this week)

Books Added to Shelves Recently: TBR
The Snow Gypsy

Another crazy busy week, as should probably be expected for a school vacation week, and Hubby working crazy hours.  We all survived and had a nice Easter with the rest of the family. I am ready to get things back to normal though, but it will take another week for that to happen.  I have my first craft bazaar coming up on Saturday and am in crunch time getting the rest of the card inventory made and the setup finalized before Saturday morning. Munchkin also kicks off baseball season this week with games and opening ceremonies. So Audio books will be my best friend this week!

The good news is that it was a good idea to revisit ACOTAR & ACOMAF because it battled back that book hangover/slump for me. ACOMAF is also a book over 500 pages and even though it was a re-read and I was able to speed read most of it, it still counts as a book for Tome Topple!  My TBR has kind of been thrown to the wind, I was hoping to start Outlander but my audio book hold on the library for Foundryside became available so I will be picking that up, it is also over 500 pages so it will count. Foundryside is also one of the books on the Booktube SFF shortlist so I will knocking down that goal as well.  I did have to put down Nevermoor and as a result sideline Wundersmith but the Middle Grade books just weren't working, I needed something more adult for the time being and I needed a bit of romance.

I am super far behind on writing reviews, so I will be working on that this week and hopefully get some new posts scheduled and up too!  Sometimes life just gets in the way of our passions.

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