I have been trying to figure out a way to share all these books I read with you but still include other non-review posts on the blog. One method I have come up with was to share the reviews for an entire series (or pair) of books in one post. I will do my absolute best to keep spoilers out of these posts in case you plan to read the books, but there is a slight chance that even the synopsis of a book can give away the result of the previous book. So if you don't want to know anything at all about the later books in a series that might giveaway something in the first book STOP READING NOW!
I have been eyeing these books for some time now and am so glad I finally picked them up. Admittedly there are 2 novellas that should be included in this series but I just didn't have the time to pick them up this month, maybe some time in the future. Again, this series fit so perfectly with my duology challenge and Arrgust event that I couldn't pass it up.

My Review: I kept seeing this book on shelves in youtube videos and in photos on instagram and was really attracted to the cover. I am so glad I managed to get my hands on a copy of it. I really enjoyed the story even though Ananna was awfully naive and just plain lucky at times and Naji was a bit too mysterious and annoying. We are left in the dark a lot with the magic system, as is Ananna and while it did bother me a little it wasn't as bad as normal. There is quite a bit of action and adventure that kept the pages turning. Even though the characters kind of annoyed me, I ended up really attached to them by the end and of course had to pick up the next book immediately.
My Rating: As much as there are elements to this book that bother me, little annoying things like unexplained magic system and characters that get grate on your nerves, I was able to look past it all and really enjoy the story. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.

Unfortunately, Naji has enemies from the shadowy world known as the Mists, and Ananna must still face the repercussions of going up against the Pirate Confederation. Together, Naji and Ananna must break the curse, escape their enemies — and come to terms with their growing romantic attraction."
My Review: I am so glad I had a chance to pick this book up right away after Assassin's Curse. I really enjoy this world and have really grown attached to the characters, and that definitely didn't change. The pace definitely slowed down a bit in this one and we got to understand the magic system a little more. Some new adventures and locations were introduced along with some really unique characters. I absolutely fell in love with the Manticore, Ongraygeeomryn, she added some much needed humor to this story. I also loved the development of Naji and Ananna's characters and their relationship, definitely a great slow burn done right! And then the ending! What?! And there aren't anymore books with them?! Talk about an open ending and a good but painful way. This is definitely one to pick up if you like slow burn, angsty romance, traveling fantasy worlds and unusual side characters you will love.
My Rating: I really enjoyed the development of the world and all the characters in this book, it really built upon the previous book and added so much more to love. I give it a rating of Four Paws.
Full Series Review: I think this is a series you are either going to love or hate. I ended up really loving it, I loved the characters by the end, I loved the world and the romance was just right (and totally clean for those of you worried about that, definitely a fade to black situation). There were a lot of twists that I just never saw coming, unusual places and characters that just pop up out of no where and surprise you. The ending was a bit unusual, not everything is wrapped up, not everything is happy go lucky and while I do really appreciate that in some aspects, it is also a bit of torture not knowing what happens. There is a companion series that is set later in the same world that I may just have to check out but it doesn't revolve around these characters. I give this series as a whole a rating of Four Paws.
I’ve always loved the cover of the first book. I’m glad to hear you loved them. I’ll have to give them a try. Thanks for the open ended warning.