Friday, April 20, 2018

Early Reader Bedtime Story: Sleepy Dog by Harriet Ziefert

Read for: Early Reader Challenge

Synopsis: "It is time for Sleepy Dog to go to bed.
He gets a good-night kiss from Mom.
Sweet dreams, Sleepy Dog!"

My Review: The cover of this book reminded me of the show Kipper that Munchkin really enjoys on occasion, but the story is nothing like it. It is a very basic Level 1 book, it has great repetition and simple words for the young readers. It also does have a story line that will goes through a bedtime routine, including a nightmare and going back to sleep, which is great for us, and on into waking up again; all is set up with chapters, which does a good job of introducing young readers to the concept of chapters. The thing it lacks is a solid character, the dog is present throughout but is only referred to as dog with no name, so it lacks a bit of a personal connection and a character young readers can get excited about, there isn't much to draw them back to reading this one again.

My Rating: While this is good for those really just beginning to read, it is more on a level of pre-reader.  There also wasn't much to capture and keep those young readers attention.  We give it a rating of Two Paws and a Stump Wag.

Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

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