Synopsis: "Yelena, the heroine of Maria V. Snyder's stunning debut novel Poison Study, is on her way to her ancestral homeland of Sitia to be reunited with her family and to learn more about her magical powers. An order of execution hangs over her head should she ever return to Ixia. But her true love, Valek, quickly learns that an assassin has taken it upon himself to make sure Yelena doesn't reach her destination.
As Ixia's chief of security, and a highly skilled assassin himself, can Valek track down the killer in time to save Yelena's life?"
My Review: This was a nice little interlude between Poison Study and Magic Study. While I understand its a novella, I wanted more. After all the detailed battles and descriptions in Poison Study this seemed a little abrupt, short and to the point. But I guess it does suit Valek. Gosh, I swoon at the idea of him! I can't wait to start the next book, I wish I just had a few days to read all of them back to back without interruptions!
As Ixia's chief of security, and a highly skilled assassin himself, can Valek track down the killer in time to save Yelena's life?"
My Review: This was a nice little interlude between Poison Study and Magic Study. While I understand its a novella, I wanted more. After all the detailed battles and descriptions in Poison Study this seemed a little abrupt, short and to the point. But I guess it does suit Valek. Gosh, I swoon at the idea of him! I can't wait to start the next book, I wish I just had a few days to read all of them back to back without interruptions!
My Rating: I gobbled this up like I was starving and wanted seconds, but I guess that is the point of a novella in a series, to keep you informed but not be a complete story. I give it a rating of Three Paws.
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