Friday, May 13, 2016

Bedtime Story: Little Cloud by Eric Carle

Read for: Children's Book Challenge
Synopsis: "The clouds drift across the bright blue sky--all except one. Little Cloud trails behind. He is busy changing shapes to become a fluffy sheep, a zooming airplane, and even a clown with a funny hat. Eric Carle's trademark collages will make every reader want to run outside and discover their very own little cloud."

My Review: Munchkin has been learning all about clouds and weather lately, and we love Eric Carle books so thought this would be perfect. It is a great little book with the classic Eric Carle art, but we didn't quite get into it as much as some of his other books. I noticed that the lesson of position of objects was nicely integrated into the story and illustrations. It also does have some nice repetition and simple sentences for young readers, and it is a mellow and short book to make a good bedtime story.
My Rating: This may not be our favorite Eric Carle book but it is still a very good book. We give it a rating of Three Paws.
Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

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