Synopsis: "New York Times bestselling author/illustrator Jeffrey Brown takes readers to a middle school in a galaxy far, far away...
This incredible, original story captures all of the humor, awkwardness, fun, and frustrations of middle school--all told through one boy's comics, journal entries, letters, doodles, and newspaper clippings. The setting? A galaxy far, far away...
Roan's one dream is to leave home and attend Pilot Academy like his older brother, father, and grandfather. But just as Roan is mysteriously denied entrance to Pilot School, he is invited to attend Jedi Academy--a school that he didn't apply to and only recruits children when they are just a few years old. That is, until now...
This inventive novel follows Roan's first year at Jedi Academy where, under the tutelage of Master Yoda, he learns that he possesses more strength and potential than he could have ever dreamed. Oh, and he learns other important things too--like how to make a baking soda volcano, fence with a lightsaber, slow dance with a girl, and lift boulders with the Force."
My Review: This was really a fun book to read and would be perfect for fans of Star Wars, and those reluctant to read. It is great how the format incorporates illustrations into the book, though the handwriting font is a little distracting to read. The story also is very relatable to young readers, especially those who may be attending a new school. It was even entertaining as an adult reader, I will be getting the rest of this series for both me and Munchkin.
This incredible, original story captures all of the humor, awkwardness, fun, and frustrations of middle school--all told through one boy's comics, journal entries, letters, doodles, and newspaper clippings. The setting? A galaxy far, far away...
Roan's one dream is to leave home and attend Pilot Academy like his older brother, father, and grandfather. But just as Roan is mysteriously denied entrance to Pilot School, he is invited to attend Jedi Academy--a school that he didn't apply to and only recruits children when they are just a few years old. That is, until now...
This inventive novel follows Roan's first year at Jedi Academy where, under the tutelage of Master Yoda, he learns that he possesses more strength and potential than he could have ever dreamed. Oh, and he learns other important things too--like how to make a baking soda volcano, fence with a lightsaber, slow dance with a girl, and lift boulders with the Force."
My Review: This was really a fun book to read and would be perfect for fans of Star Wars, and those reluctant to read. It is great how the format incorporates illustrations into the book, though the handwriting font is a little distracting to read. The story also is very relatable to young readers, especially those who may be attending a new school. It was even entertaining as an adult reader, I will be getting the rest of this series for both me and Munchkin.
My Rating: As you know I am a big fan of Star Wars and if I can get my Munchkin into it at an early age, all the better. This was a great way to bring Star Wars into reading with out being exactly like the movies/books. I give it a rating of Four Paws!
May the Fourth be with You!
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