The first book in the trilogy was ok, interesting enough for me to read the next in the series but not to the point of me actually getting involved with the characters. So I read the second in the series and it got better I started to really be interested in what happened, and connected with the characters more. And then I read the third and final book, and Oh My Goodness!!

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Excellent! I love this third book in the series! I started out the Circle trilogy thinking it was ok, interesting enough to continue reading the books. By the second book I was starting to connect with the characters and then by this last book I was fully invested (and totally emotional)! I couldn't stop reading last night until I finished and what a painful and sweet ending!
View all my reviews
On to the current book I am reading, on the suggestion of a good friend and I see several others, I have started the Game of Thrones series. And Good Gordy! There are a ton of pages to this book, I was hoping to finish the series by the end of the month but if they are all this long I highly doubt that will happen!
And I am super excited about the book shopping next weekend!! I only have about 25 more books to get for the reading challenge and hope to find most of them on that day, there is nothing better than finding a great book in a used bookstore!
Hope you are all finding the treasure you are searching for <3