Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fun with Munchkin: Dr. Seuss National Memorial Park

I have decided to add a new post to my list of things that could happen on the weekends.  As part of my resolutions for 2015, I wanted to do more fun things with Munchkin and as a family.  I will be posting sporadically about some of the fun adventures we are having together.
So once I discovered that there was a Dr. Seuss park near us, I of course had to go. I was finally able to convince Hubby now that we have a child! It is a simple park with several very large bronze sculptures but it is so beautiful and we lucked out with the most fantastic day (and even though it was a weekend there weren't very many people)!
Look how big Horton is!
I loved this sculpture of Theodore sitting at the desk (it has paper with artwork on it and pens and pencils, really detailed).
Munchkin was starting to wear out close to nap time so our visit to Yertle the Turtle was a brief one.
We had a blast looking at all the detail and just enjoying the park in general.  I guess I didn't get a picture of the giant book but it had the story Oh the Places You'll Go with a big empty chair in front of it.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Bedtime Story: The Pout-Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen

Synopsis: "Deep in the water,
Mr. Fish swims about
With his fish face stuck
In a permanent pout.

Can his pals cheer him up?
Will his pout ever end?
Is there something he can learn
From an unexpected friend?

Swim along with the pout-pout fish as he discovers that being glum and spreading “dreary wearies” isn’t really his destiny. Bright ocean colors and playful rhyme come together in this fun fish story that’s sure to turn even the poutiest of frowns upside down."

My Review: This was a great book, I never would have picked it up if it hadn't made so many must read/ favorite lists but I am sure glad I got it. The rhyming and rhythm of the story make it fun to read and also helped Munchkin catch on and remember the words. He loves the Blub Bluub Bluuub part. We have already had to re-read it many times and even read it to my little niece via Skype. This is definitely a fun book to read and one to consider adding to your shelves.
My Rating: This has quickly become a favorite story in our house. Pout-Pout fish is often referred to in regular conversation. I give it a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!
Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

Early Reader Review of Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear by Alyssa Satin Capucilli

Synopsis: "Whose teddy bear has Biscuit found?"

My Review: In classic Biscuit style, this book is simple yet endearing. The simple lines are familiar and easy to read. It is also a story that young readers can connect with too. I must say though the constant woof, woof at the end of each line could get obnoxious depending on how many times your little reader wants to read this book.
My Rating:  This is a good book to get from the library so you can return it before it becomes too annoying. I give it a rating of Three paws.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

After Dark Review of Mane Attraction by Shelly Laurenston

I have added After Dark Reviews to my blog as a way of notifying you of a review of a book with Adult themes and scenes. From now on I will keep my reviews of all books I read that have explicit scenes in them for late night posts for those of you who prefer to avoid them or easy to find for those of you who seek them out ;)
Read for: Mount TBR, Series Challenge
Synopsis: "Gunmen are trying to kill undercover cop Mitch, and Sissy Mae now has to escort a bleeding, stubborn, yet still incredibly sexy lion shifter to her Tennessee Pack's turf to keep him safe. It doesn't help that Mitch, the ultimate stray cat, is suddenly acting all possessive."

My Review: I enjoyed the underlying storyline with the danger and the mob scene. I also enjoyed the characters, Sissy has been a favorite of mine throughout this series so far and while we didn't get to know Mitch too much until now he is a fun character. The constant back and forth banter between the friendship is great and adds a great comic element to the story. (I love the scenes with Ralph). This is probably the best book of the series (granted I have more to go but this one will more than likely stand out in my memory).
My Rating: I am so glad that this series has continued to improve, after the first book I was a little worried but they are definitely on the up swing with the last one and this one! I give it a rating of Four Paws.

Pen to Paper - Let's Get Started

Welcome back to the second posting of Pen to Paper where we embark on a letter writing and snail mail adventure!
So you want to become a letter writing fiend? Where should you start?
Well that is simple. Gather together your supplies:
A pen or pencil
Something to write on, it can be paper, postcard, or card
an envelope (if not a postcard) and a stamp
and of course an address. Go grab that address book, you know that list of people you feel you must send Christmas cards to every year? Guess what, maybe they would love to hear from you at another time of year too.
Your mission for the week: Send out a letter to one person. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just get started.  Feel free to come on back and tell us about it or write your own post and link up with us.


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Review of Parsen Holt - Slinger by Robert James Dellamano

Read for: Requested Review
Synopsis: "A taut, gripping western filled with unexpected encounters, interesting characters and exciting adventure!
Join Parsen as he's forced to layover in a small town that he doesn't want to be in. And whose residents don't want him there either.
Will Parsen make it out of town alive?"

My Review: I am a sucker for a good western and this book was right up my alley. Dellamano did a great job of creating the setting and the character, it did at times get a little overly descriptive but not to the point that it ruined the story. The suspense was built up a few times and made you curious as to what would happen. My only little complaint is that I want more, I really enjoyed it and even though the ending was wrapped up nicely, I still want more.
My Rating: I really did enjoy this short story. I did discover there will be more books in this series so that is a huge plus for me.  I give this one a rating of Four Paws.
This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.
You can find out more about Mr. Dellamano and his work on his Goodreads Page.
 You can also obtain your own copy of Parsen Holt - Slinger in digital format from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Review of Rules for Riders by Natalie Scott

Read For: Requested Review
Synopsis: "After a near fatal riding accident, Bebe Barkley is banned from riding and sent off to boarding school. Finn Foxley, her roommate and partner in crime, devise a plan to get themselves kicked out of school, in order to return to the world they love.
Once back on the Equestrian circuit, best friends will become deadly rivals! Enter Billy O'Reilly, Bebe's handsome trainer, who will enforce 7 Rules that will turn Bebe's world up upside down forever."

My Review:  As many of you know I am a little bit of a horse nut and so when offered any equine based book I snap at the chance to read it. Upon starting this book I found it very disconnected, it was almost like I was reading a cliffs notes or some other briefing. The sentences were short and abrupt only giving the necessary information. I did really enjoy Billy but couldn't really care less about the other characters. The storyline also jumps around, it is like the author couldn't decide what time of book to write, a high society book, an equine book, a romance, a crime novel, it is all there but not put together smoothly. I did enjoy the competitive portions of the book and of course the parts where Bebe is actually riding and training, but the rest just left a disconnect with me.
My Rating: I just noticed on the front cover it stated Best Friends. Deadly Rivals. I definitely did not get the best friend part, while Bebe & Finn roomed together and did things together it didn't seem friendly at all, more of a controlling situation. I unfortunately have to give this one a rating of Two Paws.
Rules for Riders was sent to me by the Publicist in exchange for an honest review.
You can find out more about Natalie Scott and her work on her Goodreads Page or Website.
You can purchase Rules for Riders in digital or print formats from Amazon.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review
Hush: An Irish Princess' Tale by Donna Jo Napoli
H.A. Rey Treasury of Stories by H.A. Rey
Rush by Maya Banks (After Dark)
Storm Stories by Nancy Viau (Bedtime Story)
Cinderella: Fables are Forever by Chris Roberson (Graphic Novel)
Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Pete the Cat Construction Destruction - 1pt
Show Me, Baby - 3pts
Meet the Penguins - 1pt
Outer Space Bedtime Race - 1pt
Song of Achilles - 3pts
Persepolis - 2pts
Beowulf - 5pts
Three Little Grouches - 1pt
The Sandcastle - 1pt
Mr. Strong - 1pt
Crazy VA - 3 pts
A Suitable Wife - 3pts
Fables Vol. 5 - 2pts
Currently Reading:

Novice by Taran Matharu - Kindle - 5%
The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson - Audio - 21%

 Books to be Read Soon:

Princesses of Myth Series by Esther Friesner
Warriors Series by Erin Hunter


Total Points Earned
  100 pts + 27 earned this week = 127 points

Pages Read/ Time Listened
26,762 pages read (1,340 read this week)
70:26 listening time  (11:15 this week)

Books Added to Shelves

Interesting Tidbits on the Web:



Wow, what a week last week. I cannot believe how busy it was between Bout of Books Readathon, Blogahead Challenge and a crazy week in the office! It is a good thing that I am now on vacation. By the time you read this Munchkin, Hubby and I will be out of town and having some much needed time off and family fun (I will have some posts about it next weekend).  While I always plan to do a lot of reading on vacation, it never really happens so don't expect much of an update next Monday!

I hope you caught the first Pen to Paper post on Thursday last week! It will be a regular post on Thursday mornings now and I hope that you will join me in posting and sending out some snail mail (and hopefully receiving some).

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Ta ta for now!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Crafty Times: More ATCs and Stamping Fun

Crafty Times is a new thing I am trying on the blog where I can share some of the art and crafts I have created (you can too of course). I really dabble in a wide variety of crafts and hope you can find something that sparks your interest or inspires you!
So remember when I told you briefly about the Pocket Letters I have gotten into and the ATCs I was working on for them? If not you can see the post HERE.  Anyway, this little bit of crafting inspiration has taken me by storm! I can't get enough of creating these teeny bits of art to share. I went a little nuts and got some more stamps, distress ink, papers and other supplies and have gone to town.
I thought I would share some of my favorite little creations with you.
Playing with distress inks and stamping, this one still seems to be lacking but it was all for play
More stamping, distressing and trying to color (I have discovered I don't like markers so much)
Stamping, water color pencils (I love these) and washi tape (LOVE this stuff)
Stamping, watercolor pencils and markers (this was so cute until I tried color the background with markers)
Washi, paper and die cut tea cup
Paper, die cut, stamps and stickers
Like I said I have been having so much fun with making these, I have a bunch more planned and just need a little time to sit down and create.  Have you been working on any little crafting projects lately? Can you share some pictures with us?