Welcome to Shelving Saturday
Shelving Saturday is a weekly blog event I have started here at Eastern Sunset Reads. Each week I will post a shelving dilemma or question and you can join me in the response.
Please feel free to post on your blog and link back here, please be sure to post the link to your response in the comments so I can come and check your Shelving day out!
Over the past couple of weeks we started re-organizing our shelves. I know some of you are already done but for the rest of us - Lets see your progress.
As you all know I had a crazy busy week last week so I only got one shelf done (and since I missed last weeks post I will add it here). This week I got two shelves done and then I hit a rock wall :(
So here are all the pre-organizing pictures . . . Look at that mess!!!
So I decided to make the top two shelves Middle Reader/ Young Adult alphabetical by author.
Look how pretty they are all organized! I am actually thinking about making them double deep, we will see what space I still need.
Here are some closer pictures so you can see what goodies I have ;)
And then these two stacks are on my personal challenge list for this year, so once I read them they will be added to the shelves.
So on the next shelf for some reason I decided to jump from young adult to romance! I think its because these are the shelves that I have the easiest access to and I read mostly romance and young adult.
I am honestly not very thrilled with the way this shelf looks, I think I need to replace my HC Merry Gentry Series with PB for a more uniform shelf. We will have to see.
Anywho so I hit a road block with the next shelf. On it currently are some magazines (which I have now gotten cardboard boxes to stand them upright), the Anita Blake Comic Books (are they still called comic books even though they are for adults?!), and also some antique books I inherited from my Great Grandmother. I think I want to keep the antique books together. Should I put the comic books on the romance shelf with the rest of Laurell K. Hamilton's books? Should I put the magazines in the boxes and leave them aside for now? I think I might have to skip this shelf for now and move on to the other book shelf.