Synopsis: "Living among mortals, the djinn Cassiel has developed a reluctant affection for them—especially for Warden Luis Rocha. As the mystery deepens around the kidnapping of innocent Warden children, Cassiel and Luis are the only ones who can investigate both the human and djinn realms. But the trail will lead them to a traitor who may be more powerful than they can handle..."
My Review: Just as exciting if not more so than the first book in the series! Now that I have become comfortable with the types of creatures and powers each holds in the book, I can really settle into the story. I love the tension that Caine creates not only drama and climax wise but the tension on all levels between the characters. Cassiel is still the ultimate bad ass heroine! Love her and I really love seeing her experience human things for the first time (alcohol was the best). I also really enjoyed trying to figure out along with Cassiel and Luis as to who to trust and for how long to trust them. So much going on but you never loose track of the plot line.
My Review: Just as exciting if not more so than the first book in the series! Now that I have become comfortable with the types of creatures and powers each holds in the book, I can really settle into the story. I love the tension that Caine creates not only drama and climax wise but the tension on all levels between the characters. Cassiel is still the ultimate bad ass heroine! Love her and I really love seeing her experience human things for the first time (alcohol was the best). I also really enjoyed trying to figure out along with Cassiel and Luis as to who to trust and for how long to trust them. So much going on but you never loose track of the plot line.
My Rating: I loved this book and am totally in love with the series, again I have already downloaded the next book! I give Unknown a rating of Four Paws.