Believe it or not, it is already time to start thinking about next year's reading challenges. While planning my challenges for next year, I came across
NovelKnight's Beat the Backlist Challenge which has a lot of fun interactive features to go along with the challenge of reading back list books on our TBR! I am definitely needing to read more of the books on my shelves this next year (I think I have over 150 physical books waiting and over 200 ebooks) and what better way to make it more motivating that making it a group activity with points and all (though as you know I am not a huge HP fan but at least I can have fun with others).
So there are a few rules:
1. The books need to be published prior to January 1st, 2019
2. Books must be started and finished in the year 2019
Books can be any format - ebook, audio, print, graphic novel, etc.
Re-Reads do count (this will help with some series reads)
You do not have to join a house, participate in extra challenges or interact if you don't want to
You can join a House and earn points for your team with reading your backlist books; definitely check out all the fun the team has lined up for us
I am joining Ravenclaw House for the challenge
Sounds like fun doesn't it! So I am definitely signing up and I thought I would post a few of the books that will be on my TBR. I am going to challenge myself a little more and really push to read books that were published more than 5 years ago since I have so many on my shelves. I plan to read at least 75 Backlist titles from my shelves in 2019. While I am shooting for more books from 2014 or earlier, I will count all my backlist books towards the challenge. I will also only count the books I already own.
My (Initial) Beat the Backlist TBR
(subject to changes and additions)
The Belgariad, the first book was originally published in 1982, my edition includes the first 3 books in the series and was published in 2002.
The Immortals quartet began being published in 1992. I was a huge fan of the Song of the Lioness trilogy but my library never had these.
Name of the Wind was first published in 2007 and Wise Man's Fear in 2011. I have been putting these off in hopes of the third book being released but I give up waiting! (I also have the Slow Regard of Silent Things).
On that note, it is about time I give Outlander, originally published in 1991, a try as well. (I also have Dragonfly in Amber if this works out).
Peace like a River has been recommended to me many times and I finally picked up a copy of this book that was originally published back in 2001.
This is Bambi, I never read the book that inspired the movie but a couple of years ago I discovered a English first edition, published in 1929 (originally published in 1923) in a used book store but haven't picked it up yet.
I have been wanting to read this for ages, but always get intimidated by the size but that ends now. The Mists of Avalon were first published in 1982.
I am going to have to re-read Firethorn (published in 2004) in order to read Wildfire (published in 2009). I spent a long time tracking down a copy of Wildfire and now it has been too long to just pick it up.
I have had the first four books of the Acorna series (published 1997-2000) sitting on my shelves for ages and I don't know why haven't picked them up yet. It has taken me a while just to track down these 4 books though so I do have that excuse, right?!
I also recently added the first 4 books in the Queen's Thief Series (originally published 1996-2010) to my shelves in anticipation of the final book coming out in 2019 (I do still need to get the 5th book too - it is on the Christmas wish list)
So there are just a few of the books on my Beat the Backlist TBR for 2019, and I haven't even gotten to my ebooks yet! Hopefully this is a great reading year full of these older books that have been waiting so patiently for their turn.
What are some of the backlist books on your TBR? Any suggestions which books I should start with?