This week is a Spring Cleaning Freebie topic, and boy am I in spring cleaning mode! I have been pitching stuff left and right, purging, organizing. So why not apply that to my bookshelves as well. I recently went through and did a full purge of my shelves so instead of looking at books I want to get rid of, I decided to focus on series I want to finish up and clear them off my TBR. So here are the series that I only have a couple books left to read.
I have held off reading King of Scars until the second book in the Duology came out but now with it coming out later this month, I only have these 2 books left to read in the Grishaverse. I started a re-read of the original trilogy in anticipation of these books and the Netflix series, hopefully I can finish them before mid April!!
I only have 2 novellas and 1 full length novel left to read in the whole Chronicles of Ixia. When Dawn Study first came out I wasn't mentally prepared to say goodbye to Yelena & Valek but after not reading the series for so long, I think I can finally manage (but a full re-read may be in order).
I have yet to finish pick up Darkdawn, with all the hype surrounding it, I felt like I needed to let that die down a bit for me. Now it has been so long that I feel like I need to re-read the other books because I think some details from those may be very important in this book.
I only have these 2 books left in the Chronicles of the Warlands series, I am sure they will be pretty engrossing books and won't take long to read but I just haven't picked them up yet.
The Queen of Blood was one of my top books a couple of years ago, can someone please explain to me why I haven't finished the series?! I really, really need to get on these books!
This series seems to have been abandoned, so really I only have this one book to finish. I think I am a bit concerned about an open ending because there is another book listed on Goodreads but a released date of 2030 seems unlikely.

Another book I have been highly anticipating, but I don't want it to end, so once again I have held off on reading it. Again this will require a re-read of the previous books because they are all so intertwined with even the tiniest of details being important.
I have a feeling this one is going to be painful but I want to finish this series!
I really enjoyed the first book in this duology, but I really need to pick this one up and finish the series out. Especially since I have had this since the day it was released!
So Tiger's Daughter is right up there as one of my top 5 all time favorite books, but I have struggled to pick up these next two books in the series. I have heard they don't hold up to the first book. I got about half way through the Phoenix Empress during a readathon but put it down in favor of other books once the readathon was over. I do still want to read these but I have to admit they aren't real high up on the list.
Clearly there is a trend of me not finishing fantasy series LOL! While I definitely won't be able to get to all of these books during my spring cleaning this year, I do hope to at least knock a few off my TBR in the near future! What books do you want to clean out for spring? Are you freshening your shelves with an unhaul or are you looking to dust off a few on the TBR pile?