Synopsis: "Experience Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope like never before! Fully illustrated with gorgeous images by Star Wars artist Brian Rood, this epic storybook also includes a CD with word-for-word narration, music, and character voices. Follow along as Luke Skywalker meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, rescues Princess Leia, and faces Darth Vader for the first time. "
My Review: I picked this book up to introduce my love for Star Wars to Munchkin, some of the other books I have picked up were good but not as perfect as this book. I love that it includes and audio CD to go with it, not only does it narrate the story with voices but it also includes great sound effects. The book also does a great job of condensing A New Hope without loosing any of the storyline. Munchkin really enjoyed it and now we have to pick up the rest of the books with audio CDs.
My Review: I picked this book up to introduce my love for Star Wars to Munchkin, some of the other books I have picked up were good but not as perfect as this book. I love that it includes and audio CD to go with it, not only does it narrate the story with voices but it also includes great sound effects. The book also does a great job of condensing A New Hope without loosing any of the storyline. Munchkin really enjoyed it and now we have to pick up the rest of the books with audio CDs.
My Rating: I know the movies would be far too intense for Munchkin's young age but I still want to share this love with him and this book was perfect. I give it a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!
Good Night! Sweet Dreams! And May the Fourth be with You!
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