Synopsis: "A quartet of fallen mystics dubbed the "TrenchCoat Brigade" is introduced in this first collection of the adventures of Timothy Hunter. John Constantine, the Phantom Stranger, Dr. Occult, and Mister E take Hunter on a tour of the magical realms. Along the way he's introduced to Vertigo's greatest practitioners of magic and must choose whether or not to join their ranks."
My Review: I was not a fan of this one. The illustrations were too busy, the storyline was busy and difficult to follow. If this is the normal style of Neil Gaiman graphic novels then I am glad I haven't invested money in them. The only thing I enjoyed about this was the little Owl/Yo-Yo, sad but true.
My Review: I was not a fan of this one. The illustrations were too busy, the storyline was busy and difficult to follow. If this is the normal style of Neil Gaiman graphic novels then I am glad I haven't invested money in them. The only thing I enjoyed about this was the little Owl/Yo-Yo, sad but true.
My Rating: I was not thrilled with this one at all and I will have to think very carefully before purchasing anymore of Gaiman's work. This one gets a rating of One Paw.