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This week's Question:
When you’ve read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)
Talk about a question being directed at me LOL! I am so horrible at hoarding books! I keep pretty much every single book I read, even the ones I don't like! The couple of times I tried to donate books I ended up going out and buying them again. I do the same thing with Library books, if I read it and return it I just end up going out and buying a copy for my own library, I know bad isn't it?! I have tons of books at my house, boxes of books at my in laws and boxes and shelves at my parents house (I think hubby would have a heart attack if he knew just how many books I have).
I don't know why it is that I can't seem to get rid of books, I know I love the satisfaction of finishing a book and placing it on the shelf (books don't go on the shelves until they have been read). I also like going back and re-organizing the shelves and remembering each of the books. I don't have time to re-read a lot but sometimes I will just sit in my library and pick up a book and remember the experience of reading it.
Even worse is when I do swaps, trades or RAK, I can't send on of my books out so I go out and buy a new one to send instead (and I have learned to only send books I have already read otherwise I have to buy two of them lol).
So how about you? Are you a major hoarder like myself, or do you not mind trading your books for new ones?