Friday, May 8, 2015

Fun with Munchkin: Bookmarks!

Celebrating Children's Book Week!

I have decided to add a new post to my list of things that could happen on the weekends.  As part of my resolutions for 2015, I wanted to do more fun things with Munchkin and as a family.  I will be posting sporadically about some of the fun adventures we are having together.
As part of our celebration for Children's Book Week we decided to make some bookmarks for Munchkin and his friends at daycare. After I stamped them all with Happy Reading in Munchkin's favorite color, he got to work decorating them.
He was pretty proud of all the bookmarks he made
After Munchkin went to bed I got to work to make another fun little bookmark. Sesame Street Page Munchers


  1. Super cute! I love that you do projects with Munchkin. I teach a class of four year olds and I can tell which ones have parents that do crafts with them and which ones have parents who just plop them down in front of a TV. Your my favorite type of parent!

    1. I almost wish sometimes I could be a stay at home mom with him because I have so many fun ideas of projects and ways to incorporate reading into real lessons but I know I am not cut out for that, I need the adult office challenges and the break from the temper tantrums. Bless you for being a teacher of young kids, I have no idea how any of you manage it!
