Synopsis: "Ever since they were driven from their homelands by the Adversary, the non-human Fables have been living on the Farm—a vast property in upstate New York that keeps them hidden from the prying eyes of the mundane world. But now, after hundreds of years of isolation, the Farm is seething with revolution, fanned by the inflammatory rhetoric of Goldilocks and the Three Little Pigs. And when Snow White and her sister Rose Red stumble upon their plan to liberate the Homelands, the commissars of the Farm are ready to silence them—by any means necessary!"
My Review: I really do enjoy this of Graphic Novels! So many great story and plot lines going on and I can't wait to see what happens next. I love the twists that take place, its all your favorite fairy tale characters but they don't act the way you would expect them to act. While this wasn't quite as good as the first one, I still really enjoyed it. I am now kind of wondering about some of the characters, there is so much double talk and plotting going on its hard to figure out where everyone stands. The artwork was good in this, I really enjoyed the cover featuring Rose Red.
My Review: I really do enjoy this of Graphic Novels! So many great story and plot lines going on and I can't wait to see what happens next. I love the twists that take place, its all your favorite fairy tale characters but they don't act the way you would expect them to act. While this wasn't quite as good as the first one, I still really enjoyed it. I am now kind of wondering about some of the characters, there is so much double talk and plotting going on its hard to figure out where everyone stands. The artwork was good in this, I really enjoyed the cover featuring Rose Red.
My Rating: It was a good graphic novel, better than several I have read lately but not quite as good as the first of Fables. It had some interesting similarities to the book of the same title. I give it a rating of Three Paws.
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