Friday, July 28, 2017

Biannual Bibliothon - Day 6: Update & 25 Bookish Facts Challenge

So the Biannual Bibliothon is usually a Youtube exclusive Challeng, but they have branched out to include challenges for Instagram and Bloggers as well.  You can find out information on the reading challenges and video challenges on the Biannual Bibliothon channel and the Instagram and Blogger challenges are being posted @BiannualBibliothon.

Each day there are Booktube Challenges, Blog Challenges and Instagram Challenges.  So I will have extra posts all this week (and I will try to participate in the Instagram Challenges as well @Easternsunset9 ).  I thought I would also take a brief moment to update you each day of the readathon.  

Update: It was another busy day but I did get quite a bit of reading done on Day 5.  I listened to another hour of Misfits, I read 61 pages of Mask of Shadows and another 116 pages of Flame in the Mist. Pretty good progress considering I started nearly 2 days late for this Readathon.  I don't imagine I will complete all the challenges but I hope to finish at least 4 books, possibly 5 but we will have to see, today is another very busy day at work and movie night with the family.

Books Read:
Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Year One - 168 pages - COMPLETE
Geekerella - 320 pages - COMPLETE
Misfits - 5 Hrs Audio - 3.5 left
Flame in the Mist - 393 pages - on page 220
Mask of Shadows - 384 pages - on page 61

For today's challenge Libby at Wolf Libby has asked us to share 25 bookish facts about ourselves.  This was actually a pretty difficult list to come up with a full 25 facts that maybe you guys didn't know already but here it is.

  1. I prefer paperback books to hard covers, because HC just get too heavy to hold up.
  2. I generally don't let people borrow my books unless I am 100% sure they are a fellow booklover. (often I even purchase extra copies of the book I do lend out in case it never comes back)
  3. I never dog-ear my pages, and often don't even use a bookmark (even though I have a huge collection of them)
  4. I recently discovered my biggest book pet-peeve, unnumbered pages in self-published books (I had to DNF the book for numerous reasons but I would be lying if this didn't factor into it too).
  5. I LOVE French Flaps! Why aren't more books published with them?
  6. I dislike browsing for books in the bookstore, I generally go in looking for specific titles and authors. This is also why I do a large portion of my shopping online.
  7. I do however love browsing a good used bookstore but time must have been scheduled for it and no one waiting for me to finish.
  8. I sometimes read up to 6 books at one time
  9. I dislike telling anyone outside this online bookish community how many books I read each year because I am immediately judged. (I have been told various things like "maybe you should spend time with your child" or "I'm surprised you haven't been fired from your job" or "how does your husband feel about that"
  10. I am a speed reader and honestly wish I wasn't some times.
  11. I have called out of work sick in the past to read (but only when I know there isn't anything going on).
  12. The only assigned reading I never completed was Scarlet Letter.
  13. I have a small 3' bookshelf in my living room where I keep only the books I plan to read in the current year.
  14. All of my bookshelves are mismatched. I  have 2 cherry bookshelves, 2 big black ones from when a local bookstore closed and 1 maple one that a friend pulled out of her basement.  I am actually okay with them not looking perfect and matchy-matchy, it adds more character to my little library.
  15. I review every single book I read on Goodreads.
  16. I think Goodreads was the greatest idea ever for me.  I love keeping track of what I read and my thoughts.
  17. I am able to read with all kinds of things going on around me, but I dislike having music playing if I am by myself reading.
  18. I am okay with having 200 - 300 unread books on my shelves, it gives me options.
  19. I want to re-read more books from before starting a blog and goodreads account so I can add reviews for them.
  20. A couple of years ago for Nanowrimo, I managed to write a book start to finish, just to prove to myself I could do it.  This book will never see the light of day.
  21. My secret bookish love is Westerns, I wish there were more (and not in the romance genre), and I need to read more too.
  22. I have started attending more book festivals and conferences but I am rarely able to talk to the authors even if I love their books because I get too nervous and totally freeze up.
  23. If we ever won the lottery I have plans for a private library (not a personal one) where I can have bookish events like story time for kids, book clubs, readings, etc. I have a design all drawn up and a schedule, all I need is the money!
  24. It truly scares me that there is a limited number of books I could possibly read in a lifetime, I just want time to read everything I have ever wanted to read.
  25. Books and cats are the two things that have stuck with me all my life (other than family of course).  I have had interests, hobbies, places to live all come and go but I have always read books and had a cat or been involved with cats in one way or another. I don't plan to let either passion change in the future.

So there you have some bookish facts about me.  Let me know what some bookish facts about you that I might not know.

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