Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Top 5 Wednesday: Nostalgic Ships

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube.

So this week's top is all about those early romantic relationships we encountered that made our hearts flutter.  Now this is a difficult topic for me, I didn't read a lot of books when I was younger that had romantic interests and the ones that I did encounter are ones I seem to always talk about.  But what the heck, I always like shining a light on those old favorite books and ships; and since I am participating in Beat the Backlist challenge, why not give everyone some great backlist books to pick up too (all of these books are from 10 years and more ago)!  (Obviously this will contain spoilers for these books and series)

The earliest ship that I remember coming across was in the Song of the Lioness series. I always shipped Alanna with Jonathan, though I do adore George too, but he doesn't fit with Alanna the way Jonathan does.

If you have not read the Path's to Camelot series, you should do yourself a favor and go pick them up! Each book features one of King Arthur's round table knights and a love interest.  Camelot's Blood is the 4th and final book in the series, it wasn't published in the US (at least when I was actively reading the series) and it took me forever to track down a copy from Australia but it was so worth it to read about the relationship between Agravain and Laurel! In fact I think I need to revisit this series soon.

Another of the early ships I came across was Valeria and Kerrec in the White Magic Series, Song of Unmaking is the second book in the series and it made me feel too much! This series has already been put on my TBR for this year, it is over due for a re-read as well.

Then we have the book that sparked me love for Hades & Persephone, Goddess of Spring features a modern day woman named Lina who takes Persephone's place for the required 6 months with Hades and during her time there we get one of the most romantic scenes featuring soulmates I have ever read anywhere!

And finally we have my all time favorite ship, favorite book boyfriend and 2nd favorite book of all time! Fire and Brigan's relationship is classic hate to love and slow burn and oh so beautiful; it hurts my heart how much I love them and this book!

So have you fallen in love with any of the same ships I have? What were some of your favorite early loves?

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