Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Books Removed from My TBR

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube.

So this week's topic is the books we have recently removed from our TBR list or pile. This is a great subject for me as I have been working on clearing out some of the books that I don't plan to read both on Goodreads and on my physical shelves.  So I thought I would post a list for each, my Goodreads TBR contains books that I either have on my kindle or want to purchase (well wanted to at one point) and then obviously the physical TBR books are ones that I have recently taken off my bookshelves and either sold or donated.

So first the books I removed from my Goodreads TBR:

I honestly don't remember adding City of Thieves to my TBR, though I do really enjoy WWII books, but this one just doesn't sound like what I look for in those books. 

I had originally added The Last Wish and all of the Witcher Series to my TBR because the story sounded intriguing, but the more I thought about it the less appealing it became, it is a long series of 10 books, that have been translated to English but don't seem to be easily found, and it is based off or was the basis for a video game (a subject I have struggled with in the past), and quite honestly there are so many other big fantasy series I would rather get into.

I have tried to read Under the Tuscan Sun several times and have DNFed it each time, this is a case where the movie was better. So both it and the companion novel Bella Tuscany had to go.

I added Pitch Perfect to my TBR way back when I saw the original movie, and it has sat on there ever since. Honestly, I loved the movie and just can't be bothered to read the book on this one.

Years ago I used to read a lot of historical fiction and historical romance, again I really enjoyed the Other Boleyn Girl movie and added the entire Tudor Court Series to my TBR, now I really have little interest, I may eventually have interest again but for now it is coming off the TBR.

Physical Books Removed from My TBR:

I received Vassa in the Night last year and it just hasn't called to me, even though it is a stunning book. After trying a chapter I decided it just wasn't for me.

I purchased Landry Park ages ago, probably right after reading Hunger Games and Divergent, but I am definitely over a lot of these dystopian novels.

A Thousand Nights was completely a cover by and my try a chapter on this did not go well, but it was still such a hard book to let go because it is absolutely stunning in person.

My husband bought Darkborn for me many many years ago, and I hate to get rid of any of the books he has bought for me because he isn't a reader and did go out of his way to try to pick something I would like but sadly I am just not into these paranormal/urban fantasy books anymore.  Luckily, I don't think he remembers what he got me so I can just say he bought one of my favorite books instead.

I tried with Wonder Woman: Warbringer I really did, but honestly I just prefer the graphic novel format for super hero stories.

Now that I have started removing books from my TBR, I am in the mood for a good clean out! Be prepared for a lot of books being removed from my shelves in the near future!  How about you? What were books you recently removed from your TBR? Did you just loose interest or did you just not like the book?


  1. I don’t see any here that you’ll be missing out on but I don’t think I’ve read any either or heard anything about them either. I need to do another cleanse but it’s so hard. Particularly with physical books that I own.

    1. It is super hard to purge those shelves and to admit to yourself that you will probably never get to all of those books, but in the end it does kind of feel good.

  2. I did enjoy Tuscan Sun, thought the movie "ok" but have no interest in the follow-up book. As for Philippa Gregory, I enjoyed one of her books, but haven't gotten into the two others I've tried. You picked some interesting titles!
    Lisa @

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by! I am sure I would really enjoy the Philippa Gregory series, it is just a matter of there are so many other books I want to get to at this point. I wasn't blown away by the movie Under the Tuscan Sun, I just thought it was better than the book, especially since I could never get through it!

  3. I love The Other Boleyn Girl move, but I probably won't ever read it either!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Tasya, I agree some times you just know after seeing the movie, the interest level in the book just isn't there. Thanks for stopping by!
