Wednesday, April 5, 2017

RI Author Feature: A Grocery List by Adele M. Bourne

Synopsis: A collection of poems with a variety of subject matters from childhood experiences to daily life and unusual conversations with unique folks.
My Review: I had been wanting to pick up this book for some time, and I finally found Adele at one of the local RI Author events and snagged my copy.  I was expecting something rather comical look at daily life but it was much more hard hitting and serious. The poems sometimes take a turn for the darker and sometimes were a little lighthearted. This wasn't quite the collection for me as often the poems were obscure or had a lot of symbolism. I also think that it was a very personal collection of poems that may have more significance to those who are familiar with her life.
My Rating: I was really hoping that this would make me laugh but it didn't, I had a hard time connecting with any of the poems, it was not the collection for me. I give it a rating of Two Paws.
Adele Bourne does not seem to have any website that I can find, and she is not on Goodreads.
This book is also out of print but you can purchase her newest book of poetry called Tide Roaring In that also features a few of the same poems on Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, see, this is why I don't read poetry. I don't like the dark symbolic stuff and it's all I seem to find. I guess I just don't get it.
