Sunday, January 21, 2018

Crafty Times: Valentine's Cards

Crafty Times is a new thing I am trying on the blog where I can share some of the art and crafts I have created (you can too of course). I really dabble in a wide variety of crafts and hope you can find something that sparks your interest or inspires you!

Exciting news since my last Crafty Times Post back in November, I now have started receiving orders for my handmade cards!! Back in December a florist shop back in my hometown saw my cards and has requested exclusive selling rights to them in that area and then ordered 15 Valentine's with promise of further orders of Birthday, Sympathy & Mother's Day cards.  I have also received an epic order of 80 Save the Date cards!  As excited as I am for these developments and working towards an actual business, it does at time seem daunting and overwhelming, but I do love the time spent at the desk creating.  I have just finished and sent all my Valentine's out and thought I would share those with you.  There are a lot of them to post so I am just going to put up the pictures, if you want details on the supplies used I have been posting them on my creative instagram - @EasternSunsetCreates

I really enjoyed making these cards and I have so many more ideas of cards I want to make that I just might have to make a few more!  I think my favorites to make were the ones with the animals hugging or with the balloons but I really do love the Coffee cards too (even though I don't drink coffee). 

Thanks for looking!


  1. I love all these, but that Han and Leia card is awesome!!!

    1. Thank you Kami! I actually don't use Etsy anymore, they drastically changed their seller requirements so that you must be a business and not a hobby crafter to sell. If you want one just let me know, I have an extra of Han and Leia.

  2. Wow! Congratulations! This is awesome!

    1. Thank you, it has made all this extra work totally worth it.
